Terms of Use and Service


General information regarding the terms of use and service of the AN website.


All the contents of the Ing. Alessandro Negrini (hereinafter, AN) website – including texts, documents, logos, images, graphics, videos, as well as their arrangement and adaptations on the website itself – are subject to current laws on intellectual property and protected by copyright ("© Ing. Alessandro Negrini, 2006-2025. All rights reserved"). It is therefore not permitted to copy, alter, distribute, publish or use on other sites for commercial use these contents without the AN specific authorization.

These restrictions do not apply to any content shared on the basis of (Creative Commons) licenses; for details and management criteria, please refer to the website https://creativecommons.org.

The AN site may periodically include accredited images, videos, logos and quotes taken from publications: when they are not public domain references, all these sources are shared exclusively for informational and non-profit purposes, in compliance with the rights of the parties interested.


Unless otherwise indicated, the trademarks and logos used on the AN site are subject to current intellectual property laws and related restrictions on use for commercial purposes.


Informations on the AN website are updated and checked periodically in order to guarantee correct communication on technical consultancy and professional engineering topics. Despite this, informations in question could still be erroneous, partial, inaccurate or outdated for accidental reasons and beyond the will of those who manage and/or update the site in question.

AN declines all responsibility regarding the completeness and updating of such information, assumes no obligations in this regard nor accepts any liability that may arise from possible omissions or inaccuracies.

Similarly, the management of the AN site does not guarantee any issues related to misunderstanding, or the lack of understanding of the information provided, regardless of its completeness and relevance.


The AN website has been developed and is constantly updated to ensure easy and effective consultation of the information shared on it via a growing range of fixed and mobile devices.

Under no circumstances can AN be held responsible for any technical problems that may occur during consultation of the site, or for possible inconveniences deriving from software and/or operating systems not updated by users.


AN is not responsible for the content of any websites, pages and social profiles, newsletters and/or mailing lists to which it refers via direct link or simple indirect mention.

AN website management has no control over the operations and administrative choices of this extensive network of contacts and therefore is not responsible for the opinions, contents and/or materials, including advertising, disclosed by Third parties. This includes products and services that are not expressly sponsored or supported by AN.

AN management reserves the right to reorganize the contents of the site according to its needs and without notice, regardless of the existence of links or references from Third parties that refer to one or more sections of the site itself.


The user assumes all responsibility for the content of the communications sent via the AN site – in particular, via the e-mail addresses, contacts and contact details provided to the public – recognizing himself solely responsible for them and relieving AN from any consequent request for damages or compensation.

Furthermore, the user indemnifies AN from any possible burden deriving from claims or actions of third parties against him for damages deriving from the behavior of the user himself or of persons authorized by them to access the services in question.

Any information and materials provided by any user through the AN site will not be considered confidential or reserved in nature. Therefore, AN reserves the right to freely use these references in the manner it deems appropriate.


The optional, explicit and voluntary transmission of informations by e-mail (ordinary electronic mail, PEC, etc.), direct messages, calls or any other type of communication made using the addresses and contact details indicated on this site, will result in the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address and/or any other personal data that will be used to respond to requests.

The processing of these data will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and confidentiality protection imposed by the current legal criteria.


The user abides to use the AN website and its services exclusively for licit purposes and, in any case, without infringing the rights of any Third party, paying particular attention to data protection regulations, laws on the protection of property intellectual and industrial law, the guarantee of personal data and the provisions in force on cybercrime.

Any requests must be sent by certified e-mail (PEC) or registered letter with return receipt to the AN registered office.

  Effective since Dicember 18, 11:09 CEST

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